
Wordless Wednesday: When the children do the breakfast clean-up, the reason why you can't for the life of you find the Cheerios the next day is that they're in the refrigerator, where you would never dream of looking, and also, where the heck is the box? but it's a small price to pay to teach them how to clean up after themselves, right?


Kim said...

Try the recycle bin for your box. Or maybe it's holding precious treasures in someone's room. =-)

CitricSugar said...

Priceless. We would find my sister's doll in the refrigerator; apparently, she liked her cold.

Gerry said...

This is the sort of thing that happens at my house, too, even though I'm pretty sure I'm the only one who puts things anywhere. Pretty sure. I suppose I should allow for the possibility of Nisser at this time of year.

Molly said...

I found the Cheerios box -- it was "repurposed" for a mixed media art project involving the box and copious amounts of glitter. I will be finding glitter everywhere until next Christmas, I'm sure.

Gerry, there is the Nisser possibility, but, you know, cats are pretty smart, too.