
Gratitude Journal: Perspective & Pussy Willows

This week I remind myself that I have some of the best problems in the world: a husband who got a promotion, a house to sell.

I am not wondering how to pay for food or medicine.
I am not living out of my minivan.
My husband is away from home on business, not to fight a war.
My house is a mess while we get it ready to sell, not because it has been obliterated by a tornado.
My children are healthy (mostly) and happy (mostly).

And I have pussy willows on my dresser.

And I am reading Rebecca.

Close your eyes now and say it with me: "Last night I dreamt I went to Manderley again."

Tell me, Reader, who can read those words and not be happy to be alive?

1 comment:

drew said...

I love pussy willows. And, as the world swirls with horrendous happenings, I share your thankful perspective.

Thank YOU.