
This Blog & Summer Vacation

Well, Reader, it's only a matter of time before Summer Vacation happens. Sister is already finished with nursery school for the year (goodbye to those six hours per week of time to self), and The Bean and AJ finish a week from Friday.

I know I'll have less time to blog during the summer months when I am All Mama All the Time (well..... except during my predawn poetry moments), so I'm going to try something new for the summer: Wordless Wednesdays.

This concept is, of course, stolen from other bloggers out there in the world. The idea is to post only an image or photo on Wednesdays -- hopefully an image/photo that speaks for itself. Being a writer and lover of words, the challenge for me will be keeping it wordless. And here's a disclaimer: I am not a photographer by any stretch of the imagination. So the images/photos may not be stellar in terms of artistic value, but will be little views into the days of the Mom Trying to Write/Writer Raising Kids.

Sometimes it's fun to try something new. I hope you enjoy the Wordless Wednesdays to come.

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