
April Is Poetry Month

There's a lot to love about April: the gentle beginnings of spring, daffodils, that wet-earth smell, the end of flu season, and spreadable butter. But the thing I love most about April is that April is Poetry Month.

And just in case you're thinking that Poetry Month is just for poets, I'm here to tell you that Poetry Month is for you, too. Here are some ways to join in:

Click here to receive a poem-a-day e-mail from The Academy of American Poets.

Click here to learn more about the Poem Flow app for iPhone and iPod Touch.

Click here and here (scroll down the left-hand margin) to enter poetry book giveaways.

Click here to learn about Poem In Your Pocket Day on April 29th (never hurts to plan ahead).

Click here if you are a teacher and want ideas and resources for teaching poetry in your classroom.

And, here's the best one of all:

Click here and/or here to find daily poetry prompts* for the month of April and become a poet yourself. Aside from being National Poetry Month, April is also NaPoWriMo (National Poetry WRITING Month) and the whole country is invited to write a poem a day. So consider yourself invited! If you've always wanted to try poetry, or if you just need something quick and creative to shake up your usual routine, give NaPoWriMo a try.

I wish you a happy Poetry Month from the bottom of my poet heart.

(*First link contains 30 ready-to-go prompts; second link will be updated with a new prompt every day for the month of April).

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