
A Little Light Blog-Keeping

(which is like "a little light housekeeping" but different, and more fun)

With heavy heart, I am removing a few poems here and there so that they might be considered by The Journal That Does Not Accept Submissions Published Elsewhere Including Personal Websites. I'm sure I will miss having the poems here more than you will. I'm especially sad to say goodbye to Wendy, because I think she really fits in on this blog. Ah, well...... they tell me if I'm going to be a Big Girl Poet, I really must submit from time to time.

Also, I'm fiddling a bit with labels as the body of work (that's a writerly term, to be pronounced with mucho gravitas, followed by giggles) develops here, so you might see a few changes over there in the left-hand margin from time to time.

And that's really all I've got for you tonight, sad to say. My wingman, known also as Husband, hasn't been seen much in these parts lately (he has a good excuse: employment) and I'm scrambling to keep up.

1 comment:

CitricSugar said...

Best of luck with your submissions! You really are very talented and it would be lovely for you to receive some "professional" recognition for it. We understand if we must be deprived, especially if it leads to publication. :-)