
Confession Saturday

I confess:

--I am writing this as Husband watches the Red Wings game and as I try to watch the Red Wings game but my mind keeps wandering......... to a poem I'm working on, to the cooking-ahead I need to do before we go on vacation, to the coffee cake I need to make tomorrow morning, to my favorite songs from when I was a kid, to one time when I was watching the Red Wings at Peterson's on U.S. 31 in Eastport, which I think is the last time I watched the Wings game with my parents and brothers.  I really want the Wings to win, but I confess, I have the attention span of a squirrel when it comes to professional sports.

--The Bean was home from school all week with a bad virus, and I really enjoyed not having to scramble around in the morning to get him out the door on time.

--When it comes to nursing the sick, I am no Cherry Ames. No, I am not nearly as patient and compassionate as I would like to be.  On the other hand, The Bean is - shall we say - an enthusiastic patient (I did love those Cherry Ames books when I was a kid, though).

--I love bacon.  And Journey (for which I can be absolved because was born in the early 70s).

--I don't really believe in the orthodox concept of Hell, but if there is a Hell, I am quite sure it is an eternal version of Chuck E. Cheese's (where we spent our morning) or Sam's Club (where we spent our afternoon).  I confess, that thought is enough to make me want to go to Confession, just in case.

(P.S. I confess, I had to laugh when Sister corrected my pronunciation of Chuck E. Cheese's. "No, Mama!" she said, all indignant, "it's Chuck E. Cheese-us! Same as Jesus!")

1 comment:

Ms. W-K said...

There's no doubt that I will be treating "Chuck E Chesus" like your mother treated Halloween ... not telling them about it. They can find out from someone else!